Justin Trudeau spotted at Liverpool House with X-Men and Sansa Stark

Jun 26 2017, 9:20 pm

Not long after his now-infamous meeting with former U.S. President, Barack Obama, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau returned to Montreal to celebrate Saint Jean Baptiste Day.

The PM was spotted at Liverpool House on Saturday, the same restaurant he and Obama dined at earlier in June.

In addition to posing for photos with fellow diners, he also happened to meet (and snap a photo with) the cast of X-Men: Dark Phoenix including Game of Thrones Sansa Stark which is currently filming in Montreal.

The all-star cast includes James McAvoy and Sophie Turner (a.k.a. Sansa Stark from Game of Thrones).

In essence, it was quite a photo-op

Take a look at all the pics from Trudeau’s return to Montreal below.

See also
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