Canada getting a 200 km/h high-frequency train route between Toronto and Quebec City

Jul 5 2021, 7:36 pm
Update: The federal government announced further details on its proposed high-frequency train. Read about it here.

Canada’s Transportation Minister Omar Alghabra says he will be announcing the creation of a high-frequency rail that would link Quebec City to Montreal, Ottawa, and Toronto.

The trains would be able to travel 200 kilometres per hour, would run on dedicated tracks, would offer more frequencies, and reduce trip times to the Quebec City — Toronto corridor by 25%.

According to VIA Rail, the trains would improve on-time performance by over 95%.

Alghabra says, trips between Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, and Quebec City are among the most frequent in Canada, the majority of which are currently made by car.

He says the new HFR (High Frequency Rail) project will “increase reliability, frequency and provide faster trip times in the QC City—TO corridor.”

The minister says the HFR will allow Canadians to get to their families faster and better connect the country’s businesses while reducing road congestion, and providing a low-emission travel alternative.

On Monday afternoon, Alghabra said he was travelling from Toronto to Quebec City for a “major announcement” concerning Canada’s HFR project.

More details will be unveiled on Tuesday.