Churro ice cream sundaes are a real thing in Montreal

Sep 22 2016, 12:51 am

Montreal is no stranger to the trendy food game.

First there were rainbow bagels, and then came the dipped ice cream. Simultaneously upping the city’s ice cream and trendy food game once again, Montreal is now home to the churro ice cream sundae.

We’ve all learned this past summer that simple ice cream no longer does it. After the infamous donut cone, Montrealers are more than prepared for this delectable churro-infused treat.

The churro ice cream sundae is available exclusively at Le Blueboy, an artisan glacier in the Plateau known for their homemade ice cream and churros.

With the genius idea to combine the two, Le Blueboy has recently created the churro ice cream sundae, complete with creamy soft serve ice cream, yummy toppings, and freshly fried churros.

Toppings include chocolate sauce, brownie chunks, yogurt-dipped pretzels, nuts, sprinkles, waffle biscuits, and of course, their scrumptious churros.

Whether you want the churro dipped in melted chocolate or sprinkled with a little sugar and cinnamon the traditional way, there is no reason not to head to Le Blueboy and enjoy a churro ice cream sundae while the weather’s still hot!

Le Blueboy is located in the Plateau at 150 Avenue du Mont-Royal Est.

If you’re still convinced, just wait until you check out the Instagram pictures below.

A photo posted by J.F (@shawi_ni) on