Anti-immigration signs put up by alt-right group appear in Quebec City

Aug 16 2017, 11:30 pm

Large anti-immigration posters appeared in Quebec City on Monday.

The banners say #REMIGRATION and were put up in several areas around the city.

Pictures of the posters were shared on the far-right group Atalante Québec’s Facebook page. Atalante Québec says that the signs are a response to the influx of asylum seekers entering the province.

“A single solution is possible to reverse the phenomenon before it is too late. This is a reversal of migration flows, a large-scale #remigration with an effective birth policy,” said the group.

Between January 1 and June 30, nearly 6,500 asylum seekers have crossed into Quebec. Earlier this month Montreal’s Olympic Stadium opened as a temporary welcome centre to house the asylum seekers, the majority of them being Haitian.

Many of the asylum seekers fear they would be deported from the US after President Donald Trump threatened to remove their protective status granted to them by Barack Obama following the 2010 earthquake in Haiti.

Premier Philippe Couillard spoke to media on Tuesday about the anti-immigration signs, saying that the signs were concerning but he does not want to give any alt-right groups unneeded attention.

“This phenomenon exists everywhere and I won’t give them more importance than they deserve,” he said.

Another Quebec-based right-wing group, La Meute, is organizing an anti-immigration demonstration planned for Sunday.

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