7 times your local deppaneur had your back

Jun 2 2016, 9:47 pm

Depanneurs are the unsung heroes of Montreal. Open late, selling alcohol until 11:00 pm, and located no further than a short walk from your condo building, depanneurs are there for you when no one else is.

Here are 7 times your local dep had your back:

When it was a holiday and SAQ was closed

Days when the SAQ is closed are the worst. But guess what? Your local dep is there for you selling a selection of overpriced, and usually low quality, beer and wine to make the holidays just a tad more bearable.

🍺 Dépanneur Lalonde 🍷 #depanneur #sthenri #goldenhour #montreal

A photo posted by Philippe Fortin (@mtlgent) on

When you were sick and couldn’t bring yourself to walk to an actual grocery store

The proximity of your local dep is of the essence when you’re not feeling well. The thought of having to put on proper clothes and shop at a grocery store is too much to handle and thanks to your local dep, you don’t even need to fathom that situation.

When all you wanted was some delicious deppaneur candy

There’s nothing quite like dep candy. Whether it’s the rush you get knowing you only have to walk a few steps to buy it, or the little clear bags of gummies that sit by the counter calling your name, the dep will always satisfy your sugar craving.

When you went to pour some milk into your morning coffee and realized the carton was empty

You’re tired, you’ve just woken up, and all you want is a cup of warm coffee to get your day going. The problem? Your milk carton is empty. Luckily, the situation is made a little better knowing you can run across the street to pick up a bottle of that 2 percent. Once again, your local dep saves the day!

When you had a long day at work and did not feel like cooking for yourself

DĂ©panneur #1 — MontrĂ©al and BelvĂ©dère #depanneursdusherbrooke #sherbylove #depanneur

A photo posted by Matt (@entrelacs) on

Frozen pizza from the dep it is! We all have those days when the thought of coming home and having to cook a meal is just unimaginable. So rather than splurging on takeout, stroll over to your local dep and grab that comfort food.

When it was payday and you spent more on items you could get for less at the grocery store

We all know that deps tend to be a little (or a lot) more expensive than most grocery stores in Montreal. But when payday comes around, you just want to live a little and splurge on food items that are simply more convenient to buy. After all, supporting your local business is key!

When you were running late to a dinner party and needed to pick up a bottle of wine

Curb your enthusiasm

Curb your enthusiasm

Even if the only options are Quebec wine, your local dep will ensure you don’t look like Larry David by showing up to the dinner party empty-handed.

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