25 pictures that show how beautiful fall is in Montreal

Nov 12 2016, 3:53 am

With the leaves falling and the temperatures dropping, it appears winter is not far away. Though many of us are dreading the onset of snow and slush, we can count ourselves lucky for the wonderful fall season we’ve experienced so far.

In celebration of the magnificent autumn we’ve had in Montreal, we’ve compiled a list of downright gorgeous pictures that show just how beautiful fall in our city really is.

A photo posted by Lorelei Dietz (@loreleidietz) on

A photo posted by Kate (@katesorbier) on

A photo posted by Flo' (@hiphiphipflo) on

A photo posted by Sharon Robinson (@shaz360) on

A photo posted by Marvin Patani (@marvinpatani) on

A photo posted by D (@marine0990) on

A photo posted by Erika Dee (@erideedee) on

A photo posted by Flo' (@hiphiphipflo) on

A photo posted by Manuel (@manuel_d) on

A photo posted by Sharon Robinson (@shaz360) on

A photo posted by Laura Do Ponte (@lauradoponte) on

A photo posted by Kasra Karimi (@kasra.karimi) on

A photo posted by Tixo Budgie (@tixobudgie) on

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