This massive Canadian snow maze is about to break the world record

Jan 3 2019, 5:43 am

Canada is a haven of wintery goodness, from frozen waterfalls for climbing and frozen mountain lakes for skating, to an ice castle to explore and an ice hotel you can stay in.

But because 2019 is the year to push limits and break records, an attraction in Manitoba is aiming to do just that. A Maze in Corn, primarily known for – you guessed it – their corn maze in the fall, is aiming to break the Guinness World Record for the world’s largest snow maze.


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Located in Saint Adolphe just 30 minutes south of Winnipeg, the Maze in Corn is eagerly awaiting measurement day when they will find out if the site has indeed claimed the top spot. The team have been working over the last month to create a masterpiece that aims to measure 4,200-sq-ft, with walls that are two feet wide and six and a half feet tall.

The title is currently held by the Fort William Historical Park in Thunder Bay, Canada (Canada is good at big snowy things, what can we say?).


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Owner Clint Masse estimates it will take guests around 45 minutes to an hour to complete.

The maze opens Saturday, January 5, from 11 am – 10 pm, so go visit and share your pics with us using #dailyhivemapped!


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Kellie PaxianKellie Paxian

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