Week Ahead Podcast: How to be a successful travel blogger featuring Jess Wandering

Apr 10 2018, 11:58 pm

Jay and I spent this episode face down on the massage tables at Burrard Physiotherapy getting deep tissues rubdowns while hosting. It definitely made for some interesting moments, but it loosened us up for our interview with social media giant and travel blogger Jess Dales aka Jess Wandering.

Jess Wandering discusses her Instagram secrets on The Week Ahead Podcast

Jess Wandering interview featured on podcast only*

Before we spoke with Jess, we chatted Sedin retirement and how it all ended up playing out. There may or may not have been a tear or two shed during their emotional send off. After 18 seasons in Vancouver it’s hard to believe it’s all come to an end, but this is reality now. There is now no official face of the franchise. Feels weird doesn’t it?

Our interview with Jess Wandering of Instagram fame then came courtesy of Burrard Roofing and Drainage. Jess has grown an IG feed of nearly 500k and gave up her job as a lawyer to go out and travel the world. It’s a truly inspiring story and she has some tremendous educational views on what to look out for and how to dominate the social scene.

If you’d like to follow her on social, you can find her on Instagram here or online at JessDales.com. After our interview segment, it was time to preview the NHL playoffs, NBA scene and everything you need to know about The Week Ahead in the sporting world.

To change things up a little, Jay and I also answered some fan mail questions at the end. If you’d like to be part of the fan mail segment next week, reach out to any of our social handles below and you could win some great swag!

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BTW, did you miss our episode with NHL analyst Greg Wyshynski? No problem. Here it is!

Ryan Sullivan: Twitter / Instagram

Jay DeMerit: Facebook / Twitter / Instagram

The Green Men: Facebook / Twitter / Instagram

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