New COVID-19 cases identified at eight Edmonton public schools

Nov 25 2020, 12:03 am

Edmonton Public Schools says new COVID-19 cases at nine of its schools have been discovered in the past 24 hours.

Killarney School, Avalon School, Hilwie Hamdon School, McLeod School, and Youngstown School all had someone test positive on November 23. Two people each at Constable Daniel Woodall School and Lendrum School tested positive that same day.

On November 24, one individual at Sifton School and Hilwie Hamdon respectively also tested positive.

Killarney School is one of 16 institutions on the province’s “watch” list for having COVID-19 outbreaks involving five or more people.

Hilwie Hamdon, McLeod, and Constable Daniel Woodall are also on Alberta’s outbreak list, but the outbreaks at those schools have fewer than five people.

Dozens more students and staff have to self-isolate because of the latest positive tests, and the school district says they’ll receive support to learn remotely.

Megan DevlinMegan Devlin

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