Here's how to vote in the Edmonton municipal election

Sep 21 2021, 4:15 pm

The federal election is behind us, and now all eyes turn to the Edmonton municipal election next month.

Election day is October 18; however, Edmontonians can cast their ballots for mayor, councillors, school board trustees, senate election, and referendum vote long before that.

Here are the ways you can vote:

  • Advance Vote: October 4 to 13, 1 pm to 7 pm including Thanksgiving Monday, October 11. The number of advance voting stations has been doubled to 12 or one per ward.
  • Election Day: October 18. A total of 212 voting stations will be open from 9 am until 8 pm
  • Special ballot: Available to those who are unable to vote at an advance voting station or on Election Day because of one of three legislated reasons:
  • Disability
  • Absence from the local jurisdiction (city of Edmonton), or
  • Working on Election Day at a voting station other than that of the voter’s place of residence
All eligible voters can find their voting station at
When voting, be sure to bring a type of personal identification. An Alberta Driver’s Licence, Alberta Identification Card, bank/credit card statement, income/property tax assessment notice, insurance policy or coverage card and a statement of government benefits are all accepted.
On election day, voters will elect a new mayor, one councillor for each of the 12 City of Edmonton wards and one Edmonton Catholic Schools Trustee for each of the seven wards or one Edmonton Public Schools Trustee for each of the nine wards.
If you are curious about who is running, the city also has a list on its website that has all candidates that have completed the nomination process.
It’s updated every weekday at 9 am, so be sure to check it out to know who is running in your ward for the 2021 Edmonton municipal election.