Tourists in Banff National Park grilled online for getting too close to a bear

Oct 3 2023, 3:51 pm

A video posted to Facebook of tourists in Banff National Park crowding around a bear on the side of the road has sparked some tough comments online.

The video, posted by Rosalba Nguyen, shows people standing outside of their cars on the side of the road with a bear mere metres away from them.

“Look at all the people getting super close to a bear by the road. The bear is probably 20 feet away from the closest person,” the user posted.
“Park ranger came over after a while and made everyone get back to their vehicles and leave the location,” they added.

The video, which was posted late yesterday, had people chiming in calling the people “tourons” and that “people will never learn, same thing we see when we were there in June.”

Another person in the Banff and Jasper National Park Facebook group added that “Banff needs more park enforcement to ticket all of these people.”

Parks Canada recommends visitors keep a minimum distance of 10 bus lengths of space (100 metres) from bears, wolves, cougars, and coyotes, and never approach wildlife.

Over the weekend two people were killed by a grizzly bear while in Banff National Park and last month an angry bull elk in Jasper National Park was spotted slamming its antlers into the side of a car as it tried to drive by.

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