The 2022 Calgary Stampede poster contest ends in mid-January

Dec 16 2020, 5:10 pm

You’ve got just under one month to create an iconic image for the 2022 Calgary Stampede.

A release from the Calgary Stampede states that they are still accepting submissions for their next poster contest, after having revealed the 2021 Stampede poster back in November.

The artist of that poster is 22-year-old Lexi Hilderman, who submitted her artwork through the Youth Poster Competition program, which was launched three years ago.

A release from the Calgary stampede notes that Hilderman had been inspired by an image of a Siksika First Nation woman named Katari Righthand.


2021 Calgary Stampede poster (Calgary Stampede)

The Calgary Stampede is now looking for their next young Albertan artist to create the imagery for the 2022 show, with accepted applicants being from anywhere in the province and landing in the 15 to 24 age range.

The Stampede’s website states that all 2D mediums are welcome and that the top 30 artists will be invited to a Masterclass Workshop taught by Albertan artists.


2020 Calgary Stampede poster (The Calgary Stampede)

The top eight will then be mentored one on one to refine their skills to create the final version of their posters, and the artist who is ultimately chosen will receive a scholarship of $10,000.

Second place will receive a $5,000 scholarship, third $2,500, and fourth through eight will get $500 in education funding. All eight finalists will also receive free art supplies.

The 2022 Stampede poster contest ends on January 11, 2022, and submissions can be made through the Calgary Stampede’s website.


The 2019 Calgary Stampede Poster (Calgary Stampede)

Chandler WalterChandler Walter

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