VIA Rail issues apology, offers refunds for holiday train delays and cancellations

Jan 11 2023, 5:31 pm

Be it planes or trains, there was no escape from the holiday travel chaos that left many travellers stranded and, for others, holiday plans completely cancelled. Now, VIA Rail is apologizing to passengers affected by delays and cancellations, adding that they should have been more transparent.

In a January 10 statement posted on the company’s site, Martin R. Landry, interim president and chief executive officer at VIA Rail Canada, said, “We didn’t meet your expectations and for that we apologize.”

From December 23 to 26, several trains were cancelled and delayed due to a winter storm and a derailed freight train that “disrupted VIA Rail’s operations.” Most of the trains affected were in eastern Canada and trains along the Québec City–Windsor corridor.

Not only will affected passengers be getting a full refund but those whose trains were completely immobilized will also be receiving travel credits.

Landry admits that they should have “done better.”

“We are truly sorry for letting our passengers down,” he stated. “We know, we should have been more forthcoming in sharing information about trains that were delayed and in communicating updates.”

A study by the House of Commons transportation committee will require representatives from airlines and VIA Rail to address issues behind the delays and cancellations at the peak of holiday travel.

“I will be convening a meeting of the Transport Committee and will be calling on VIA Rail and Sunwing to appear,” tweeted MP Peter Schiefke. “Canadians deserve answers for the unacceptable delays and cancellations seen over the holiday season.”

Irish Mae SilvestreIrish Mae Silvestre

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