Canadian twins born four months premature survive against 0% odds (PHOTOS)

Mar 6 2023, 10:30 pm

A set of twins from Ontario have made it into the Guinness World Records after surviving being born four months premature.

Shakina Rajendram and Kevin Nadarajah, the twin boy and girl’s parents, were shocked when Rajendram went into labour and began to bleed just 21 weeks and five days into the pregnancy.

Rajendram told Guinness that when she went to the hospital, she was told there was no hope for the babies. In fact, doctors were already offering their condolences. The couple had lost another pregnancy just months earlier at the same hospital.


Kevin Nadarajah and Shakina Rajendram / Guinness World Records

“They also advised us that the best the hospital could offer was comfort care, meaning once the babies were born, they would take the babies and put them on my chest and Kevin’s chest, and they would just wait for them to die,” Rajendram said.

“We were just clinging to our hope and faith trusting in God,” said Nadarajah.

An ultrasound revealed that the babies still had a heartbeat hours after labour began.

After a flood of complications and uncertainties, Adiah and Adrial were born weighing just 330 grams and 420 grams, respectively.

Guinness World Records

According to Guinness, the babies’ combined weight (1.65 lb) makes them the lightest twins to ever be born.


Guinness World Records

The infants were in critical condition and were experiencing brain bleeds. Adrial had pulmonary hypertension and blood in his stool. His little body was also battling sepsis.

After spending six critical months at Mount Sinai’s neonatal intensive care unit, the siblings returned home. Adiah spent a total of 161 days in care and Adrial left just a week after she did.


Guinness World Records

After they returned home, things were still quite complicated.

“I had a long list of meds that needed to be administered through syringes. So waking up at night dealing with syringes with two babies was difficult,” their father said. The parents had to go to the hospital a number of times when Adrial fell unwell.

Now, both babies are healthy, thriving, and developing their distinct personalities.

Guinness World Records

Adiah is cheerful and bubbly. She loves to babble and go on walks while being held in her parents’ arms. Adrial is a bit more quiet and keen. His dad describes him as “analytical,” because he loves looking at things and people.

The couple hopes their story will inspire conversation about care for premature babies, and give other parents in the same position a boost of hope.

Watch their success story here:

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