This, That, and The Other: Canadian street names endlessly amuse the internet

Jul 28 2023, 7:48 pm

A small community in Nova Scotia has the internet giggling with some funny street names.

We’ve seen neighbourhoods around the world with Friends-themed street names, streets named after PokĆ©mon, and even streets named after Canadian cities.

But Porters Lake, a rural community in Halifax, isn’t one for elaborate themes when it comes to street names.

“When the namers in Porters Lake, Nova Scotia, ran out of ideas,” tweeted @TerribleMaps on Friday with a Google Maps screenshot of three hilariously named streets in the town.

The screenshot shows This Street, That Street, and The Other Street, all intersecting.

And you may think it’s photoshopped like this Twitter user…

But we checked it out for ourselves and it’s real.

The internet was delighted by the street names.

“I don’t know why, but that seems very Canadian,” tweeted one person.

“You say ran out of ideas but this is peak Maritimes comedy,” added another.

Others were amused by how cleverly the street names matched the neighbourhood.

“That’s brilliant. There’s one way into the neighborhood. So driving into it, you literally experience it as This, That, and The Other in that order,” said one Twitter user. “Sometimes I really love Canada.”

It’s like the street name version of the Abbot and Costello “Who’s on first” joke. Peak dad comedy.

What are other funny street names you’ve seen in Canada? Let us know in the comments.