Mexico police rescue 20 kids forced to sell snacks, small items in popular tourist town

Jul 14 2023, 4:34 pm

Mexico police have rescued 20 kids and arrested two individuals in Playa del Carmen, a popular tourist hot spot and resort town.

According to Riviera Maya News, the children were removed from a home on Thursday as part of a police operation held by a specialized unit dedicated to investigating crimes of trafficking and exploiting minors.

The State Attorney General’s Office reported the kids were between one and 17 years old and found in poor condition, appearing dirty and even showing signs of malnutrition.

All 20 rescued children had been kept captive in two rooms inside a home in Playa del Carmen’s Centro area, frequented by tourists and has tons of souvenir shops.

The Office also released the following photo, showing the operation at the targeted residence.


Via the State Attorney General’s Office, Mexico

Police also found two suspects at the scene.

Officials said the children had been recruited by someone in the territory of Chiapas, the country’s southernmost state. They were then “deceived” into going to Playa del Carmen in Quintana Roo. This journey normally takes around 15 hours by car.

Riviera Maya News further reported that the children were forced into work, selling trinkets, snack food items, and accessories on the streets. They were told that the money they’d earn would be sent to their parents.

But these work shifts were often 12 hours long and unpaid.

“They weren’t allowed to communicate with their parents, and when they asked for their money, they were told it had already been sent to their parents,” the State Attorney General’s Office reported.

Both suspects found were immediately arrested for labour exploitation.

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