Group of sanitation workers in India win life-changing jackpot (VIDEO)

Aug 1 2023, 4:50 pm

After a series of losses and struggles, lady luck finally shone her light on a group of women who just won a life-changing 100 million rupees (C$1.62 million) lottery prize.

A group of 11 sanitation workers from Kerala, India, were thrilled after discovering that they had hit the jackpot. They collect non-biodegradable waste from homes and receive C$4 on average every day from monthly payments made by the households, reports the BBC. Occasionally, after the local corporation sells the sorted waste, they make extra money from their share.

The News Minute/YouTube

The women said that it’s been a struggle to make ends meet. Many of them have been forced to take out loans to pay for expenses and their children’s education. So one day, wanting to try their luck, they decided to buy a lottery ticket on June 11.

The ticket, however, was going to cost them a day’s worth of wages: 250 rupees (C$4). So they all decided to put their money together — two of them put in 12.5 rupees (C$0.20), while the other nine paid 25 rupees (C$0.40).

One member, Kuttimalu, 72, said she felt down when she realized she didn’t have enough money for her share. That’s when another member, Cherumannil Baby, 62, stepped up and offered to lend her half of the 25 rupees (C$0.40) that she had for her share.

“We agreed we would get an equal share if we won anything,” recalled Kuttimalu.

In an interview with The News Minute, the pair said they often lend each other money.

“We even share a snack for tea,” said Baby.

Baby and Kuttimalu (The News Minute/YouTube)

One member’s husband checked the results on July 27, and that’s when the women found out that they had won the jackpot worth 100 million rupees (C$1.62 million).

“We didn’t expect to win such a huge amount of money!” said Kuttimalu.

After taxes, the group will receive 63 million rupees (C$1 million). Split among them, nine members will receive 6.3 million rupees (C$101,740), while Baby and Kuttimalu will split their share between them, receiving the equivalent of C$50,870 each.

Lotteries are banned in most states in India; however, the Kerala government sells weekly lotteries and bumper lotteries for festivals and different seasons.

The big win is hopefully a positive sign for the group, who have suffered a series of painful losses and struggles.

In 2018, Baby lost her house in a flood — she will now use her winnings to pay off her debts and build a new home.

Another member, Bindu, 50, lost her husband in 2022 to kidney failure since they couldn’t afford a transplant. She now plans to finish the construction of their house and use the money for her daughter’s education.

Member Leela, 56, now has the money to pay for her daughter’s surgery and her wedding.

Despite winning big, the women all agreed on one thing: they’re going to keep showing up for work as usual and continue to do their jobs.

“We will not leave this job because it was this collective that brought us prosperity,” said Leela.

Watch the video below: