"Thank a straight person for your existence": Justin Bieber's dad under fire for homophobia

Jun 9 2023, 3:11 pm

Justin Bieber’s dad, Jeremy Bieber, is in hot water after sharing multiple off-colour posts discrediting the LGBTQ2S+ community on his social media.

On Wednesday, Jeremy shared the following meme on his Twitter.

“Don’t forget to thank a straight person this month for your existence,” it reads, followed by a couple of peace signs and a wavy Pride flag in the background.



With Pride Month currently in progress, it was clear that Jeremy’s post was tinged with homophobia. And this wasn’t the first time he shared something like this — he was doubling down on earlier messaging.

On June 5, Jeremy tweeted, “We need to celebrate families. U know the reason we’re all here! The things this generation glorifies is unbelievable!”

With the homophobia in his tweet barely veiled, followers began to call him out immediately.

“Don’t forget to thank LGBTQ families for adopting the children unwanted by the straight people who abandoned them,” one Twitter user said.

Some slammed him for harping about the value of family after splitting up with Justin’s mother soon after he was born. Justin’s maternal grandparents and his stepfather helped his mother raise him.

People also mentioned that Jeremy has children with three different women.

In response, Jeremy extended a lukewarm non-apology.

“Acknowledging the nuclear family is offensive? My apologies to those offended,” he tweeted. “Was not my intent. Not that my opinion matters.”

A series of tweets followed right afterwards, where Jeremy complained about being “thrown into this political arena” against his will, and shared how upset he was with people calling him out for his family problems.

“My post was to acknowledge families, that’s it!” he said in one tweet. “And before you say I abandoned my son, move on! That’s an old narrative pushed! It’s ridiculous and didn’t happen.”

After all that, Jeremy pulled a classic homophobia defence: “My brother is gay, and I love him,” he tweeted.

Of course, this was followed by — yes, you’ve guessed it — the classic homophobia offence: “Love whomever you want. That’s your business, not ‘mine.’ My problem is the hostile takeover of our cities and schools by LGBTQ. This is the concern of many.”

“Having gay relatives doesn’t make you any less guilty,” one Twitter user pointed out.

Others asked what Jeremy meant by “hostile takeover.”

“You mean being allowed to exist in public, not just home,” one person responded.

Justin has not tweeted since December of last year, but people are tagging him concerning Jeremy’s posts.

One fan tagged Justin and said, “I think it’s time we stop paying Jeremy’s phone and internet bill.”

Honestly? Sounds like a fair ask. 🤷‍♀️