Canadian man eats hot pepper at city council meeting to "prove" climate change is NBD

Feb 6 2023, 9:05 pm

A man ate a hot pepper in an attempt to prove to Edmonton City Council that climate change really isn’t the big deal everyone makes it out to be. 

During a public hearing this morning, Aren Tysillie explained that he “doesn’t think anybody is standing up for the oilfield,” after he was called to speak on a bylaw allowing for low-intensity commercial space in the Charlesworth area.

“We have these goofballs on the internet glueing their hands to artwork trying to protest the oilfield,” said Tysillie, lamenting climate change factors being included in business development plans.

After he reiterated to the council that the oil and gas sector is underrepresented, he pulled out a chilli pepper to further drive home his point.

“I was gonna eat it and show that even if something does heat up a little bit, it’s not the end of the world,” he explained, taking a bite out of the pepper.

Unfortunately for Tysillie, capsaicin is no substitute for the billions of tonnes of greenhouse gasses released into the atmosphere each year. The insulating gasses like to hold onto the sun’s heat and its effects don’t wash away with a cold glass of milk.

Tysillie continued to complain that the oilfield isn’t treated with the respect he claims it merits while chewing with his mouth full. He also clarified that he could not locate the proper city council meeting to attend and demonstrate his pro-oil activism before his mouth started feeling spicy.

“The peppers heating up a little bit, but it’s not a big issue. I wanted to demonstrate – because a lot of people say that if Canada was to heat up it would be the end of the world, but South America is WAY warmer than Canada and people vacation there all the time.”

Having explained that a tropical Canada wouldn’t be such a bad idea, Tysillie (which may not even be his real name) thanked the City Council for their time.

Now, of course, if Canada were inundated with tropical temperatures year-round it would be a complete disaster for the ecosystem. Even at our current target of 1.5°C of global warming, per the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), we can expect to see some major challenges for our natural world.

Allison StephenAllison Stephen

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