These provinces have the highest mental health satisfaction in Canada

Sep 26 2023, 6:27 pm

When it comes to the overall mental health satisfaction of Canadians, some provinces are faring better than others, according to new survey results.

The results come from a recent poll conducted by Pluriel, a Canadian market research and intelligence company.

The survey found that Canadians report feeling very (30%) or somewhat (31%) satisfied with their mental health. Only 7% said they felt “very dissatisfied” with the state of their mental health.

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However, the survey results found that the satisfaction of mental health is not shared among Canadians of all ages.

Over one-third (38%) of younger Canadians aged 18 to 34 report feeling dissatisfaction with their mental health compared to 17% aged 55 and older.

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The survey found that, overall, people in BC and Quebec report being more satisfied with their mental health than other provinces in the country.

According to the poll results, 67% of Quebecers and 65% of British Columbians are satisfied with their mental health.

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Both these provinces reported higher mental health satisfaction compared to the national average of 61%.

About three in 10 Canadians living in the Prairie and Atlantic provinces reported feeling dissatisfied with their mental health.

Pluriel surveyed 1,001 Canadians in its “What Canadians Think” omnibus survey between September 7 and 8, 2023.

Pluriel notes that the data comes from an overall set of questions asking Canadians to rate their satisfaction with different aspects of their personal health, including their weight, fitness, sleep, stress, and mental health (as well as their overall health).