"This is horrific": UCP slammed for essay contest winner's dangerous message

Aug 9 2022, 4:05 pm

The United Conservative Party of Alberta (UCP) is under fire after one of the winners of its “Her Vision” essay writing contest expressed extremely controversial views.

@juliey14 Itā€™s worse than you could have imagined šŸ˜¬ #ableg #yyc #yeg ā™¬ WTF (feat. Amber Van Day) – HUGEL

The essay that was selected as the third-place finisher had hints of replacement theory when discussing saying it is now popular to think Albertan children are unnecessary because we can “import foreigners to replace us.”

It went on to state that women were not equal to men and that women being guided into traditionally male-dominated careers is “not only misguided but dangerous.”

There was plenty of outrage about this online.

The writer of the essay goes on to say if they were in parliament they would be in favour of financially rewarding families “for their reproductive service.”

The UCP has since taken the essay down from its website. But not before its political opposition made their voices heard.

The contest itself came under fire when it was announced in February for “inviting women to explore how they can contribute to a better society.”

Peter KleinPeter Klein

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