Uber co-founder, Calgary-born Garrett Camp, is 3rd richest Canadian

Dec 19 2017, 10:47 am

Garrett Camp, the billionaire co-founder of Uber is now the third richest person in Canada.

Canadian Business magazine compiled the country’s top 25 richest people for 2016, including the Thomson family in first place with a total net worth of $36.76 billion, followed by Ontario’s Galen Weston with a net worth of $13.67 billion. Camp, the richest person in western Canada, reportedly has a net worth of almost $9.2 billion.


Camp co-founded the Uber ridesharing company, now operating in some 58 countries worldwide, in 2009 with Travis Kalanick, Ryan Graves, Oscar Salazar and Conrad Whelon. But before a failed attempt at hailing a cab in Paris inspired them to create Uber, Camp saw success by co-founding StumbleUpon in 2002, an automated web homepage that would display a random cycle of interesting and innovative websites on demand, while he was completing a Masters degree in Software Engineering at the University of Calgary.

Before leaving the company in 2012, StumpleUpon was sold to Ebay in 2007 for $75 million and then bought back from Camp in 2009.

Uber has been a much larger success for Camp and his co-founders and was recently valuated at $70 billion.

But despite the company being a household name, not many Canadians knew Camp was from Calgary.

While he started StumbleUpon with friends as a student in Calgary, the job was only part-time as he finished up classes. By the time Camp graduated, he had an angel investor asking him down to Silicon Valley, according to Canadian Business.

He has lived in San Francisco ever since, but remains as a major contender on the list of richest Canadians this year. Considering Camp didn’t even crack the top 100 last year, he has come incredibly far for only being in business with Uber for six years.

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