Tech giant coming to Calgary and it's hiring more than 250 positions

Jun 29 2022, 5:10 pm

IBM has announced it is opening its western Canada Client Innovation Centre (CIC) in Calgary, bringing 250 jobs with it.

The tech company made the announcement today saying, “The CIC will have a focus on sustainability, delivering consulting services and technologies like 5G, artificial intelligence, hybrid cloud, and blockchain, helping to elevate Alberta’s position as a centre for energy transformation.”

Some of the new jobs in the Calgary-based centre will include application developers, business and transformation analysts, testers, and project managers.

The CIC will be a part of a 25,000-square-foot building IBM already owns in the Beltline.

“The expansion of IBM in the downtown core is yet another signal of confidence in our city’s growing tech sector,” said Calgary Mayor Jyoti Gondek. “As Calgary’s reputation for innovation grows, more companies like IBM are recognizing the value Calgary offers including the ability for their people to have a rewarding career and great life here. It also underscores the importance of continuing to invest in tech scale-up efforts, essential to attracting more growth to our city.”

This is obviously welcome news as the city and province continue to recover following the pandemic.

“IBM’s choice to locate its new Client Innovation Centre for Western Canada in Calgary is truly something to celebrate,” Alberta Premier Jason Kenney said. “This investment shows once more that Alberta has the economic momentum to continue to move Albertans forward. We have worked closely with IBM over the past year to make this investment possible, and are thrilled to see this happen, adding even more momentum to Alberta’s rapidly growing tech sector.” 

Peter KleinPeter Klein

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