It's already been the snowiest May Calgary has seen in 4 years

May 6 2019, 11:01 pm

Calgarians have evidently had it pretty easy when it comes to spring snowfalls over the past few years.

Okay, okay, our Aprils haven’t exactly been the most colourful (this year saw 14.5 cm of snow come down throughout the month, basically on par for the past decade according to, but Mays have actually been quite mild — at least for the past five years or so.

See also

The last time that Calgary saw some significant snowfall in the fifth month of the year was back in 2015 when 5.5 cm of snow fell before June finally came around.

The years since then have all been completely devoid of flakes, or, in 2016’s case, saw a paltry sum (a total of 0.2 cm fell in May of that year).

And while YYC has seen a relatively small amount of May snowfall this year, with a total 1.6 cm falling within the past six days, the few flakes have already made this the snowiest May that has been seen since 2015.

…And that’s with 25 days left to go, so we’re doing our best to hope that this year’s late-spring snowfall stops at that 1.6 cm.

Lest we wind up with the 15.6 cm of snow that was seen on May 2014 or the 23.2 cm that came down in May 2010.

Keep those fingers crossed, people!

Chandler WalterChandler Walter

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