Rain forecast for weekend expected to clear smokey skies

Aug 16 2018, 11:22 pm

You’d never think we’d be wishing for rain in the middle of the summer, but this smoky haze seriously needs to take a hike, so we’ll take whatever we can get.

Luckily enough for Calgary, this weekend is expected to bring a respite in the form of rain clouds, swooping in on Friday night with a 60% chance of showers throughout Saturday.

The days following show a bright yellow sun in the forecast, instead of that dastardly smoke symbol that has been lingering all week.


Calgary weather this week (Environment Canada)

Before we get to the city-wash that is Saturday (hopefully), we’ll need to get through two hot, smoky days on Thursday and Friday when temperatures will reach 26°C and 28°C respectively.

The special air quality statement from Environment Canada remains in effect, warning residents to spend as much time as possible in air-conditioned and air filtered facilities.

2018 is currently Calgary’s third smokiest year on record, and is only 100 or so hours off from taking the top spot — which is held by 2017.

That is not a record we want to see broken, so if everyone could start thinking rainy thoughts, that would be much appreciated.

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