We gave this viral protein-shake trend a try, and it gave our mornings a helpful boost

Aug 10 2023, 4:28 pm

I’ve always been a little envious of morning people, as they seem to have it “together” while I “try my best to hang on.” Since I have a very on-the-go morning routine, I usually try to incorporate some solid food outside of the breakfast smoothie and morning coffee, which has resulted in me ingesting more than my fair share of pieces of burnt toast.

My less-than-tasty morning meal definitely leaves something to be desired. For me, the idea of having a high-protein breakfast routine to help jump-start my day right was a luxury I felt was only afforded to bodybuilders or pro athletes, of which I am neither.

So, to help me get my morning right, Premier Protein sent me some of their protein shakes to help boost my protein intake and test a viral trend, and I have to say, they really helped.

Get more protein into your diet

If you’re not familiar with Premier Protein, these High Protein Shakes can easily add 30 grams of protein to your diet. With 160 calories, one gram of sugar, and an added 24 vitamins and minerals, this shake is a convenient way to get an extra boost of protein when you need it most.

For this article, I tested the Vanilla, Chocolate, and Caramel flavours of Premier Protein, which are all good on their own, and made for the perfect grab-and-go solution for when I had a hectic morning. 

But, on mornings when I was able to roll out of bed at a reasonable hour, I was able to explore some of the more special ways these Premier Protein shakes can be incorporated into your everyday diet.

Proffee — an easy way to add protein to your mornings

Perfect for sneaking in extra protein where there isn’t any, Premier Protein offers a ton of quick recipes you can explore for a delicious way to get more protein into your body.

A no-brainer for me was mixing it with my morning coffee instead of milk, especially the Caramel flavour, to hop on the viral trend of making proffee — protein coffee, for the uninitiated.

I had never heard of this trend of mixing a protein shake into your coffee before and didn’t know if I’d miss the milk. But trust me, you won’t miss it, and you’ll be adding a ton of extra flavour to your cup of joe by simply using any flavour of Premier Protein.

On top of giving me a morning boost (which, as a non-morning person, is always appreciated), I was able to make myself a fancy little morning treat whenever I had time by using the elevated proffee recipes I found online — like the Iced Chocolate Caramel Mocha, Iced Mint Mojito Coffee, or, my personal favourite, the Dalgona Coffee.

Experimenting a little, I found a ton of use cases for Premier Protein, like using it for overnight oats, subbing it into some chocolate chip cookies, and even got to make some protein chocolate pudding.

With other flavours like Strawberries & Cream and Bananas & Cream, there are plenty of ways to easily boost your everyday beverages, meals, and snacks with Premier Protein shakes.

My final proffee review

Overall, I really enjoyed exploring how versatile the shakes are, both as a standalone pick-me-up and as an ingredient. They gave me a great excuse to get out of bed in the morning and shake up my routine, and they introduced me to my new morning staple of proffee to help jump-start my days.

Interested in making your own proffee? Luckily, their website has a location tracker where you can see the nearest retailer that carries Premier Protein® High Protein Shakes, which has them listed at plenty of major stores — including Walmart.

To learn about their protein shakes and discover fun recipes like those above and more, visit the Premier Protein website, follow along on Instagram, and add a helpful boost to your everyday. 

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