Polar vortex will make it feel like -28°C in Calgary this weekend

Feb 5 2021, 5:25 pm

Bundle up, YYC – according to The Weather Network, bursts of heavy snow and whiteout conditions threaten Alberta ahead of a dangerously cold weekend.

It’s currently -15°C in Calgary and getting colder as a polar vortex hits the city. Things aren’t getting warmer anytime soon, with an Arctic front moving across the province in the coming week.

Calgarians can expect a high of -19°C and snow on Saturday, but it will feel more like -28°C. Temperatures drop even further as we hit -29°C overnight on Sunday.

polar vortex

The Weather Network

Moving into next week, the polar vortex continues, and we’ll see -22°C on Monday, lowering dramatically to -33°C at night.

Things will stay chilly on Tuesday at -20°C (plummeting to -27°C overnight), before warming slightly to a high of -14°C on Wednesday and Thursday – which will practically feel tropical by then.

Even with increased highs expected during the day, the evenings will bring those dangerously low temps back and will remain in the mid -20°C overnight into late next week.

“Much of Alberta and a good chunk of Saskatchewan will be grappling with snow and whiteout conditions Friday, and that’s just the start of the Prairie region’s woes,” says The Weather Network.

“The polar vortex, plunging southward, is set to engulf much of Canada in Arctic air, by far the coldest on the Prairies.”

While snow is expected through Friday and Saturday, things taper off by Sunday, providing some much-needed sunshine next week. At least we won’t have to spend any extra time outside shovelling, right?

Hunker down and stay cozy indoors this weekend, Calgary.

Elle McLeanElle McLean

Elle is a former Daily Hive Staff Writer based in Calgary.

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