Peter Loubardias is leaving his Flames analyst job with Sportsnet 960

Jun 30 2023, 6:34 pm

Peter Loubardias is stepping down from his role as the Calgary Flames Radio Colour Analyst for Sportsnet 960.

Loubardias took to Twitter on Friday morning to make the announcement.

“10 years ago, Kelly Kirch reached out with an offer to take on the role of Calgary Flames Radio Colour Analyst for what he said would likely be a season,” Loubardias wrote.

“My passion for the game made my answer an easy yes. One year turned into 10 and I can say without hesitation, it was one of the best professional decisions of my career.  With this said, it is with mixed emotions that I announce that am stepping away as your Calgary Flames Radio Colour Analyst.

“There are some new opportunities I am equally passionate about on the horizon that I am excited to pursue AND that will put me closer to my family.  I am really looking forward to sharing them with you so watch news ahead!”

Loubardias also made sure to thank Sportsnet, the Flames organization, and the many fans that have listened to him for the past decade.

While he didn’t divulge specifically into what he will be doing next, he changed his Twitter handle from @fan960lou to @LoubardiasMedia, and included the hashtag #LoubardiasMediaInc, which suggests he will remain in the broadcast industry.