9 amazing shots of the Perseid meteor shower around Calgary (PHOTOS)

Aug 16 2016, 5:13 am

For the past week, the Perseid meteor shower has astounded us all, as debris from a passing comet streaked through the night sky around Calgary.

The yearly summer spectacle occurs as the Earth crosses the path of Comet Swift-Tuttle. Its debris smashes into the Earth’s upper atmosphere at some 210,000 km per hour.

And this year the debris was concentrated right in front of us, resulting in bigger, more frequent meteors – and some great viewing spots in the mountains around Calgary.

Here are some of the best photos of the night sky during the Perseid meteor shower, taken around Calgary

Had an amazing time this weekend camping under the stars and watching the meteor shower! ✨

A photo posted by Nikki Butz (@nikkibutz) on

Image: (Harlan Thomas - Northeast of Calgary on Hill Dam) Stars and Constellations / Facebook

Image: (Harlan Thomas – Northeast of Calgary on Hill Dam) Stars and Constellations / Facebook

Presides meteor shower over sheep river provincial park

A photo posted by Richard Gottardo (@richardgottardo) on

More from last night! Life is being too good to me 🌟💫

A photo posted by Anh Dang (@zennyyc) on


Image: (Harlan Thomas - Northeast of Calgary on Hill Dam) Stars and Constellations / Facebook

Image: (Harlan Thomas – Northeast of Calgary on Hill Dam) Stars and Constellations / Facebook

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