Alleged attack made on home of Muslim Council of Calgary Federation chairman

Oct 8 2019, 8:29 pm

The home of a Muslim Council of Calgary Federation (MCCF) chairman was allegedly attacked last week.

In a release from the MCCF’s Facebook page, the group states that someone attempted to break into a chairman’s house on the night of Thursday, October 3.

It was also noted in the release that “additional evidence indicating a potential for high damage or injury was secured, which is now part of the police investigation.”

The incident is being investigated by the Calgary Police Service, though not CPS’ Hate Crimes Investigations Unit, with a statement from CPS noting that “every investigation is dealt with on its independent merits and the motivation of the offenders is always part of that investigation.”

The release from the MCCF states that they believe the alleged incident to have been “a targeted act of violence on the family an household of the newly elected Chairman of the Muslim community of Calgary.”

“We denounce the attack as it goes against everything we stand for as Muslims and law-abiding community members of our society,” the release states.

“A cowardly attack on an individual’s home is completely unacceptable, as we are a community that respects individuals, especially the sanctity of one’s family and its place of residence.”

It is also noted in the MCCF release that the chairman’s family, including young children, were present at the time of the alleged incident.

The Calgary Police Service’s Diversity Resources Unit is currently providing cultural assistance to the family, according to the Calgary Police Service’s statement.

An earlier version of the MCCF’s statement on the incident indicated that an arson attempt may have been made on the home, though the organization has since issued an updated release, which makes no reference to arson.

Chandler WalterChandler Walter

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