You will now have to pay $30 to visit this Canadian tourist destination — here’s why

Apr 30 2024, 6:29 pm

Heading to Quebec’s Magdalen Islands? You might want to budget a little extra for your trip seeing as visitors will be charged a fee starting in May.

The archipelago in the middle of the Gulf of St. Lawrence is known for its white-sand beaches and red cliffs. And if you’re into outdoor activities, it’s an excellent place for hiking, horseback riding, kayaking, and wind sports. Foodies are drawn to the island because of its local cuisine, renowned for its variety of seafood.

But those experiences are now going to cost you.

If you visit between May 1 and October 14, you’ll have to pay the Archipel Pass, which is charged before leaving the islands. The fee can also be paid online. Those who don’t pay the fee could face a fine and a municipal court hearing.

Visitors aged 13 and over will soon have to pay a $30 fee plus tax, and families will have to pay a maximum of $100 plus tax. But you won’t have to pay the fee if you’re visiting for less than 24 hours.

“Given that visitors stay an average of 10 nights in the area, $30 plus tax per person for an Archipel Pass works out to only $3 a day to enjoy everything the islands have to offer: beaches, recreation and tourism sites, parks, outdoor sports fields, trails, and more,” reads its tourism website.

Since the Magdalen Islands are “a fragile and unique ecosystem,” the fee will support environmental protection and projects to preserve “the natural beauty of the archipelago.”

Half the funds will be allocated to the Maritime Community to fund part of the regional park and cover waste management costs. The rest will go towards maintenance, development, and tourism infrastructure.

“The Archipel Pass helps fund environmental protection and sustainable development projects to preserve the natural beauty of the archipelago,” reads the site.