Calgarians can use green lawn paint to mask unsightly yellow grass

Dec 19 2017, 11:21 am

Bugs Lawn Care is a lawn maintenance company based out of Edmonton that has now introduced a new product to their customers. Lawn Lift is a green lawn paint for your grass. The California based product is eco friendly, non toxic, leaves no smell or residue and is perfect for covering up signs of a dry winter and spring in Alberta.

For skeptical customers, spokesperson for Bugs Lawn Care, Chris Kipfer told Calgary buzz people need to do their research before writing the product off. “A lot of people don’t actually listen to the story or do any research on the product themselves, they just assume it contains harsh chemicals. But the product we brought in contains no hazardous chemicals and that was a big part of our decision to go with the Lawn Lift product.”

Kipfer says Lawn Lift was the closest product on the market that gave lawns the natural green colour, compared to other products which turn lawns closer to a blue colour. Bug Lawn Care wanted bring in a viable product that does what it’s meant to do.

Image: Bugs Lawn Care

Image: Bugs Lawn Care

Image: Bugs Lawn Care

Image: Bugs Lawn Care

Once the paint is sprayed on, it needs 45 minutes to dry. Kipfer says they like to allow at least 4 to 6 hours drying time before people are running their regular routine on the grass. He says rain or water have no effect on the dye and you won’t see run off because of it. Once the dye is sprayed on and dries it can last up to 5 months.

“A lot of the areas we service have water bans, so they’re not able to water their lawns. The rains that come in are great because we do need that moisture to grow healthy grass. We want that, we want nice healthy green grass. What our product does is it simply helps in the mean time as an instant solution. Spray on the lawn and the grass is instantly green, there are no harmful effects. In saying that, there is no benefit to your lawn from this. It is 100% simply appealing to the eye. There’s no fertilizers or anything like that in it.”

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