Kenney's approval as premier second lowest in Canada amid pandemic

May 28 2020, 6:53 pm

Canadians have been looking to their leaders during this troubling time.

Legislation has seen rapid changes, public health acts have been announced, and residents have been tuning in to near-daily updates from their premiers over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic.

An Angus Reid Institute survey found that all of Canada’s provincial leaders saw an increase in approval rating over the past few months, though some have seen a much larger bump than others.

Ontario’s Doug Ford more than doubled his rating between February 20 and May 20, jumping from 31% to 69% during the pandemic.

Angus Reid Institute

Even with that bump, Ford comes fourth to New Brunswick’s Blaine Higgs (80%), Quebec’s Francois Legault (77%), and BC’s John Horgan (71%).

Alberta’s own Jason Kenney is on the other end of the scale, however, having gained just 1% in approval rating during the coronavirus pandemic.

At 48%, he comes second-last only to Manitoba’s Brian Palliser, who saw his own approval rating bumped by 4%.


Angus Reid Institute

Prior to the global health emergency, Kenney had been sitting fourth-highest on the list with an approval rating of 47%.

The online survey had been conducted between May 19 and 24 to a sample size of 5,001 Canadian adults.

Chandler WalterChandler Walter

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