We asked U of C students to share their 5 favourite spots around campus

Aug 19 2021, 8:09 pm

This article is part of a national campaign for Interac

Across Canada, the universities nestled in each of our cities are hubs for innovation, creativity, and social interaction. Here in Calgary, the University of Calgary (U of C) is a case in point.

The university campus has much to offer students and oftentimes locals, too, including vibrant eateries and beautiful spots primed for relaxation and focus. Now, as students prepare for their return to campus this fall, we wanted to learn about their favourite spots in and around U of C — so we asked them.

Here are five of the best locations recommended by U of C students in Calgary and why each spot brings them joy.

The Science Theatres Building


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Back in 1966, U of C’s Science Theatres Building was first conceived “to fill a need for a learning space capable of handling a very high student occupant load.” Now in 2021, its lecture halls and seminar rooms are still used on campus. 

James Tolley, a Bachelor of Science in Geology graduate, says the Science Theatres Building is his favourite spot around campus because there are “tons of little nooks to study in,” and “most people use the building as a passing-through point, so they don’t know about all the study nooks.”

Tolley tells us there’s a “statue of screws that turns” in the middle of the building. “You’re supposed to give it a spin before exams for good luck,” he adds.

Seniore’s Pizza

More than a decade ago, Seniore’s Pizza launched in Calgary with a mission in mind: to take over the world of cuisine. The team behind the Bedford Drive pizzeria searched Italian neighbourhoods to find the “perfect cheese” and kept working on their dough until they had the best results possible.

Students and foodies can create their own pizza at Seniore’s, specifying everything from the base size to the sauce, toppings, and cheese, or choose from one of the specialty pies and sides on the menu. Calgarian Mehtab Brar says Seniore’s Pizza is his favourite spot near campus. At the counter-serve pizzeria, paying for your order is easy with contactless Interac Debit.

Olympic Oval Viewing Deck

The Olympic Oval at U of C is a legacy facility of the 1988 Olympic Games, and today, it’s an integral part of the Faculty of Kinesiology. It’s a speed-skating facility, a research destination for kinesiology scholars, a training centre for varsity athletes, and it also serves the university community.

Jake Scott, a U of C student, says “the viewing deck of the Olympic Oval swimming pool” is his favourite spot on campus. “It’s like a staycation to study,” he adds.

The Bouldering Wall

Living in Calgary means U of C students are never far from the enthralling Rocky Mountains and ample opportunities for rock climbing. It makes sense, then, that U of C has climbing and bouldering walls on campus. The walls are operated by the university’s Outdoor Centre, and both students and active living members can access them for free.

U of C student Mel tells us the “bouldering wall” is her favourite spot on campus. Please note, climbing and bouldering walls are temporarily closed at this time with the reopening of select programs slated for the fall.

The Administration Building Atrium

U of C’s Administration Building originally opened its doors in 1960, and in 2013, it underwent a massive renovation. Today, the building is LEED Gold-certified and designed for comfort and efficiency with improved air quality and lighting as well as lush greenery.

Laurel McLean, a U of C Communications and Media Studies student who graduated last year, says the Atrium in the Administration Building is definitely her favourite spot on campus. 

“There [are] live plants and trees, colourful and comfy furniture, making this a great place to study or enjoy a quiet lunch/coffee,” she tells us.

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