Homeless Calgary man receives outpouring of help on reddit

Dec 10 2016, 8:53 am

A man in Calgary started a conversation with reddit users today posting this, “I Am a Homeless Man Living in -25°C Right Now. Canadian Winter Is A Heartless Mistress. Ask Me Anything!”

The thread has since gone viral with users showing immediate interest and an outpouring of care.

User Craftistic stated in his post that he had recently gotten evicted from his home and just wanted mother nature to let up 15 degrees.

Subway gift cards, coffees and even a gofundme page was started for the man as he explained how he needed a pair of work boots to get him back on his feet.

Within one day, the gofundme page has already exceeded it’s target goal of $300 from the generosity of reddit users.

The power of social media.

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