Giving a "voice" and a "choice" to homeless youth in Calgary, The Infinity Project
Run by the Boys and Girls Clubs of Calgary, The Infinity Project, gives youth a “voice” and a “choice”, empowering them with the ability to reach their goals.
The Infinity Project is a housing-first program for youth who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Meant for ages 16 to 24, the project gives youth the freedom to live as they choose in both the home and community they wish. The program provides them with the financial supports to quickly access housing and also adds transitional supports to help them maintain their housing.
Thus, the project ultimately provides youth with a safe and permanent home with the support to develop skills promoting them to live self-sufficiently.
Youth who are struggling with homlessness or who are wanting to pursue self-sufficiency are encouraged to utilize the program.
Heidi Walter, Manager of Youth Housing, stated in an email that currently, 39 youth ages 16 to 24 are in the program.
The Infinity Project has a housing retention rate of 95% Youth graduate from the program when they deem they are ready. Infinity and the Housing Support Workers do this over a period of time. Infinity wants to make sure that youth have stable housing, stable income and natural supports to ensure a successful graduation.
On average each youth stays in the program for 962 days, and since 2009, when the program started, 74 youths have been supported.
If you would like to learn more about The Infinity Project visit