City of Calgary urging residents to shop local this holiday season

Nov 20 2020, 7:52 pm

The pandemic has been tough on everyone, but especially for small businesses.

The City of Calgary is encouraging Calgarians to support their local shops this holiday season with the #SupportLocal campaign.

“Calgary businesses need our support now more than ever. The pandemic has hit businesses hard in a time when many were already challenged from a tough economy,” said Mayor Naheed Nenshi in a release from the city.

“Whether you order online from local companies, shop safely in person, or simply share your favourite Calgary brands and businesses with friends and family, I encourage every Calgarian to #SupportLocalYYC and shop safely this holiday season.”

Calgarians can support their local businesses by purchasing goods and services from them, as well as by leaving positive reviews and posting about them on social media.

Those who are shopping local should also remember to wear a mask when in public and practice safe physical distancing and hand hygiene.

“As The City, we are focused on being business-friendly over the long term, ensuring we are identifying all opportunities for improvement to City services that will enable our business community to be successful,” said Business and Local Economy Leader Sonya Sharp in the release.

“Together with our partners, we are supporting the business community by creating connections, sharing resources and tools, and highlighting positive stories to inspire the community and spark further innovations that can benefit those in need.”

Calgarians can also pick up some local goods at a number of holiday markets taking place throughout the month, both in person and virtually.

Chandler WalterChandler Walter

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