Distance, total bill, or weather? Canadians share things they consider when tipping food delivery drivers

Jan 23 2024, 4:07 pm

The debate around gratuity never ends, and it gets even more muddy when it comes to tipping Uber Eats and DoorDash delivery drivers.

If you’re feeling unsure, thankfully there’s a helpful Reddit thread where Canadians have shared things they consider when tipping for food delivery.

“Do you always tip Uber Eats/DoorDash delivery?” asked user Acrobatic-Rest4978 on Sunday. The question got over 400 answers.

One interesting take Canadians had about gratuity is that they do tip food delivery drivers, but with a flat rate, not by percentage.

byu/Acrobatic-Rest4978 from discussion

“This is the way. The f**k does the price you pay have to do with the effort required to deliver it,” replied a Redditor to that answer.

If you’re not sure what this means exactly, another person broke it down by comparing a $6 McDonald’s delivery to a $40 steak dinner delivery, which requires the same effort when Uber Eats or DoorDash delivers it.

“Exactly! What’s the difference if I order from Swiss Chalet or McDonald’s,” added another commenter. “If I order the same number of dishes, the effort to bring it to me is the same.”

Another Redditor goes by how long the drive takes.

“If it’s a less than five min drive I’d tip 1.11, a 10 min drive $2 but if it’s like 15 mins drive 3-5 dollars,” they commented.

Canadians say they are flexible about adjusting the tip if  “the weather is extra shitty.”

byu/Acrobatic-Rest4978 from discussion

byu/Acrobatic-Rest4978 from discussion

Others advised that people tip after their order is delivered.

byu/Acrobatic-Rest4978 from discussion

byu/Acrobatic-Rest4978 from discussion

And of course, some think people shouldn’t be obligated to tip Uber Eats, DoorDash, or any food delivery driver.

byu/Acrobatic-Rest4978 from discussion

byu/Acrobatic-Rest4978 from discussion

What do you think about tipping your food delivery driver? Let us know in the comments.