Canadian arrested at White House attempting to bring Crown Royal to Trump

Jan 4 2019, 3:35 am

A Canadian man might be re-thinking his strategy when it comes to finding true love after he was arrested outside the White House in Washington, DC recently.

According to a Newsweek report, the man was arrested by the US Secret Service on Wednesday, after he “attempted to move a security barrier near the East Executive portion of the White House” and told Secret Service he had come to ask President Donald Trump to ask for his help in finding a wife.

But more than just asking Trump for help, the man – who was later identified through his passport as Yianny Georgopoulos – had come bearing gifts for the president as well, in the form of two bottles of Crown Royal.

At the incident unfolded, the man also reportedly told Secret Service members that he’d recently been arrested for “threatening family members.”

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