Streak of warm weather expected to come to an end in Calgary this week

Nov 30 2021, 5:15 pm

After weeks of unseasonably nice weather in Calgary, much cooler temperatures and snow are forecast to come our way later this week.

It’s 1ºC and partly cloudy at the time of publishing this article, with a high of 10ºC and partly sunny skies expected on Tuesday afternoon.

According to The Weather Network, Wednesday will be the last day of nice weather that Calgary gets for a while, and the city is forecast to see a high of 13ºC and sunshine with a chance of a shower on December 1.

Winter weather will take effect on the second day of December, and a high of 3ºC feeling like 0ºC is in the forecast, with flurries bringing one to 3cm of snow to Calgary.

There isn’t any snow expected for the city on Friday, but temperatures will stay chilly, and The Weather Network predicts a high of -1ºC, feeling like -3ºC.

calgary weather

The Weather Network

More clouds will fluff up the sky on Saturday, with a feels-like temperature of -5ºC and scattered flurries delivering approximately 1cm of snow in YYC.

Sunday will see a mix of sun and clouds and a high of 0ºC, and, moving into next week, it doesn’t look like any more snow is in the forecast, but the cold temperatures are here to stay.

Monday is expected to reach a frosty high of 0ºC, while Tuesday will be -4ºC, feeling more like -7ºC.

calgary weather

The Weather Network

It sounds like we’ll finally need to pull out our puffy winter jackets and boots in the next couple of days before the wintery weather hits — although, we aren’t complaining. The fact that Calgary hasn’t been hit with major snowfall yet this late in the year is practically unheard of, so we’ll take it!

Stay warm out there, YYC.