The Calgary Tower has launched a tower-building contest on Instagram

May 7 2020, 7:59 pm

Calgarians might be getting a little bored after *checks watch* two whole months of responsibly abiding by physical distancing requirements — and there’s only so much Netflix you can binge.

The Calgary Tower is offering a creative outlet for Calgarians this week, as they have started a tower building contest that is encouraging participants to construct their very own Calgary Tower with household materials.

Whether it be the empty paper towel rolls left over from the countless times you’ve cleaned the house, or that old box of legos you’ve kept around just in case, the Calgary Tower wants to see what you can come up with.


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Those who do build their own versions of the iconic landmark are asked to upload a photo of it to Instagram or Twitter with the hashtag #mycalgarytower.

The Calgary Tower’s social media pages will share some of their favourites, and all entries will have a chance to win one of three trips to the tower for the whole family — once they reopen, of course.


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The contest call went out just three days ago, but Calgarians have already begun showcasing their creative work:


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