Calgary temperatures to break into the 20s this long weekend

May 14 2020, 7:45 pm

It might not be the Victoria Day long weekend we all thought it would be pre-pandemic, but we’ll at least be able to work on our tans.

According to The Weather Network, this weekend is expected to see temperatures finally break out of the teens and into the 20s.

Not very high into the 20s, mind you, but a lot warmer than this past, frigid weekend had been.

Anyone with a window can see that the skies are blue and the sun is shining this Thursday, which is currently sitting at a nice 12Ā°C.

That high will only get even higher by Friday, with 18Ā°C being the peak if The Weather Network’s seven-day forecast is to be believed.

Saturday and Sunday follow up with highs of 20Ā°C, though we’ll be seeing 10 hours of sun on Saturday and only five on Sunday.

Monday marks the highlight of the long weekend, however, with a high of 21Ā°C that feels like 21Ā°C, seven hours of sunshine, and just a 20% chance of precipitation.

A few clouds are also expected to make an appearance, which will be more than welcome if the sunshine starts to feel a little too much for our paler-than-six-months-of-winter complexions.

Unfortunately, the rest of the week has colder, wetter plans in store for us, but that just makes it all the more important that we enjoy this weekend while we can.

Chandler WalterChandler Walter

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