Calgary’s Naheed Nenshi the most followed Canadian mayor on Twitter

Feb 17 2017, 7:09 am

The count is in, and not surprisingly Nenshi tops the list.

Twitter Canada recently took a deep dive into the Twitter accounts of the mayors in Canada’s 25 largest municipalities and found some interesting insights and data we wanted to share.

With all the tweets about local initiatives, retweets on events, and even promoting good natured namesake puns, Nenshi tops out as the most followed Canadian mayor on Twitter.

Between February 2016 and February 2017, the top five most followed Canadian mayors on Twitter were:

1. Naheed (Twitter warrior) Nenshi, Calgary  (@Nenshi)
2. Denis Coderre, Montreal (@DenisCoderre)
3. John Tory, Toronto (@JohnTory)
4. Don Iveson, Edmonton (@doniveson)
5. Jim Watson, Ottawa (@JimWatsonOttawa)

But while Nenshi is one for most followed, Toronto mayor, John Tory takes the top spot for the mosts mentioned Canadian mayor on Twitter.

1. John Tory, Toronto (@JohnTory)
2. Naheed Nenshi, Calgary (@Nenshi)
3. Denis Coderre, Montreal (@DenisCoderre)
4. Jim Watson, Ottawa (@JimWatsonOttawa)
5. Don Iveson, Edmonton (@doniveson)

Of the 25 municipalities surveyed, the average mayor pulled in 61,000 followers, followed 1,800 accounts and sent out roughly 5,4000 Tweets.

Nenshi has over 335,000 followers, a healthy lead over Tory at 180,000 followers, and has tweeted over 52,000 times.

See also