Alberta's active coronavirus cases decrease, no new deaths over past 24 hours

Sep 15 2020, 10:56 pm

There’s good news and bad news on the coronavirus front for Alberta this Tuesday.

According to new numbers from the Province of Alberta, there was a decrease of 47 for active cases within the province, bringing the current total to 1,491.

Tuesday, September 15 also marked a day with no new coronavirus-related deaths.

However, the province has also reported that 124 new cases of the virus were detected over the past 24 hours, marking the 20th day since August 24 to see a daily increase over 100.

The province’s statistics show that the majority of new and active cases seen over the past week are found in the Calgary and Edmonton Zones, and are most likely to be seen in those aged 20 to 29 years old.

The stats also found that, of both new cases reported over the past week and active cases, the virus was predominantly spread through the close contact of a case or through an unknown exposure.

As always, Albertans are encouraged to practice safe physical distancing, wear a mask when in public, maintain proper hand hygiene, and stay home if they are feeling at all sick.