Alberta labourers flocking to B.C.

Dec 19 2017, 11:09 am

As Alberta’s economy continues to spiral, it seems labourers are making the trek to B.C. to find work. A survey from the British Columbia Construction Association suggests 45% of B.C. employers hired a worker last year directly from Alberta’s oil and gas sector.

It’s hardly surprising, considering B.C. might be on the verge of a labour shortage due to high construction activity. That, combined with an aging labour demographic, may see the province short 15,000 construction workers in 2016.

“The record number of construction projects now underway and the outlook for sustainable growth is drawing British Columbians back home,” says BCCA President Manley McLachlan.

The Alberta exodus may be partially attributed to pessimistic attitudes about personal finances. Only 62% of Albertans feel positive about their finances, down 21% since last year, according to a poll from CIBC.

According to the BCCA survey, the average salary of a BC construction worker is $56,170 per year.

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