16 reasons why it's not all bad in Calgary

Dec 19 2017, 11:08 am

Ok Calgary, so we got off to a rocky start this year.

At every corner, there have been reports about the Alberta economy shrinking, stories of large scale layoffs at major companies, and news of people leaving our city in droves.

In the midst of the wave of pessimism, it’s easy to forget about the beauty and nurturing environment this city provides. After all, even in the middle of the coldest winters, Calgary is warm at its heart. At the end of the day, Calgary is home, and we can’t help but love it through ups and downs.

So we thought we’d put together a little antidote to all of the doom and gloom currently surrounding Calgary by counting the ways we love this city, using a random playlist to take us along the journey.

Oh Calgary, how do we love thee? We counted 16 ways.

Here comes the sun

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Before judging winter harshly, have you seen the sunrise over the city? Perhaps it is tough to catch, but the hues of orange on the horizon are enough to warm even the coldest heart. Don’t believe us? Luckily, we collected a few snaps of a recent sunrise.

Local art love

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From public galleries, to art shows, exhibits and museums, our city is blossoming in culture. Even our pedestrian bridges are pieces of art – right, Peace Bridge? Besides public art, the Alberta Association of Artist-Run Centres facilitates and supports new and innovative local art centres/artists. That is pretty awesome.

Our hoods are where it’s at

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There’s the scenic, there’s the downtown core, and the trendy. Calgary’s neighbourhoods are bustling with eclectic mix and cycle-friendly communities. From Scenic Acres to Brentwood, the city offers charm and convenience that makes you wonder why you ever leave home. Once upon a time, when Canadians heard “Kensington” they would think “Market” and Toronto, but our very own Kensington Village has taken over the name. We’re taking over, Canada.


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Calgary has some of the best brews in the country. Need we say more?

Flames are hot

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Like the rest of Calgary, the Flames are having a bit of a rough time. But that doesn’t mean we’ve lost all faith in our team. Because no matter where they are in the conference, they are always number one in our hearts. Shout out to the Calgary Stampeders, too!

The Year of Music

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Watch out 2016, Calgary is taking over the music scene. This year marks the 45th annual Juno Awards, the opening of the National Music Centre, the 50th anniversary of Alberta Ballet, and the 60th anniversary of the Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra. Calgary is also home to Canada’s only record processing plant, Canada Boy Vinyl. Tourism Calgary also launched Push Play Calgary earlier this year, which features live music listings in one place. And let’s not forget the local, and ever growing, music scenes supported by the numerous local venues. So get out to a concert!

A hop, skip, jump to nature

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If, for some reason, you haven’t made your way to Banff, Jasper or Lake Louise, make it a point to do that this year. Our backyard is surrounded by Rocky Mountains, wildlife, and photogenic landscapes that will reenergize your tired soul. Rediscover winter in the mountains, and enjoy this year’s Canmore Winter Carnival while you’re out there.

Cowboy hats are fashionable here

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Perhaps that’s an overstatement, but not at the Calgary Stampede. Every summer, the Stampede creates festivities unlike any other across Canada. Celebrating our western heritage and culture, the world renowned Stampede gives us plenty of reasons to love cowboy hats.

The man, the mayor

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If you don’t follow Mayor Nheed Nenshi on Twitter, you should. Our mayor is passionate, visionary, and was named the 2014 World Mayor. He also sings when he loses bets.

Random Acts of Kindness

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Calgary’s had a recent trend called RAK, or Random Acts of Kindness. From the school board, to personal RAKs, the trend seems to be here to stay. It doesn’t take much at all, and is as simple as holding the door for someone, or buying a coffee for the next person in line – and Calgarians get it. One small act of kindness to a stranger can make their day, and the stranger might do the same to someone else. And the warmth continues.

Random outdoor fun, winter

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The City of Calgary has plenty of hills for tobogganing and sledding in the winter – and who doesn’t love the feeling of sliding down a hill packed with snow in the city?

Random outdoor fun, summer

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We love being outside, especially in the summer. We also love the chance to wear suspenders in appropriate settings – which is also why we have a love for lawn bowling. Yes, I mean lawn bowling, and no, it is not a senior sport. It’s the latest outdoor summer craze, and Calgary offers several places to get you your fresh start. Check out the Rotary Park Lawn Bowls Club this summer, and BYOS (Bring your own suspenders).

Calgary the Festive

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From comedy, to film and music, Calgary offers a large variety of festivals throughout the year. Not sure where to start? Check out the Beer Festivals, The Calgary Folk Music Festival, and The Calgary International Film Festival.

Hit the road

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You know how they say “Life is like a road trip?” It really is, especially when you’re on one. Calgary is so close to perfect locations for solo, couple or family adventures. From the Cowboy Trail to the Canadian Badlands Trail, make sure you check these badass trails before summer 2016 is up.

Watering holes

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Last year, Calgary’s Milk Tiger was the only Canadian establishment to make the “greatest bars in the world” list. It’s not surprising considering the vast variety of bars and pubs we have. From the invention of the very beloved Caesar, to the serious cocktail concoctions, to the unique layouts of bars (shout out to The Container Bar), Calgary’s bars offer patrons much more than a delicious bevy. And don’t forget the people watching (shout out #2 to National on 17th– and the band The National for All the Wine).

And now we’re hungry

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With three Calgary restaurants being featured on “You Gotta Eat Here” this season, you gotta know we’re doing something right. Besides the quality and variety, Calgary foodies can also find budget friendly eats- keeping bellies and wallets happy. It’s no wonder Calgary celebrates Culinary with The Big Foodie Fest next month.


And those are just some of the ways we love Calgary. We leave you now with one of our favourite Calgarians, Kiesza. Stay strong and beautiful, Calgary.

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