More than 1,500 people have recovered from coronavirus in Canada

Apr 1 2020, 11:29 pm

It may seem like all bad news all the time, but there have been over a thousand recoveries from COVID-19 reported in Canada so far.

While it will still take time for the curve to flatten, and although physical distancing may not be ending just yet, there is some good news coming out of Canada amid the coronavirus pandemic.

As of April 1, there have been 1,522 known recoveries reported across the country.

Provinces have been gradually providing updates on the number of known recoveries, so the numbers listed here come from official government websites.

Reported Recoveries:

  • BC: 606
  • Alberta: 142
  • Saskatchewan: 30
  • Manitoba: 4
  • Ontario: 689
  • Quebec: 29
  • New Brunswick: 9
  • Newfoundland: 10
  • PEI: 3

Health officials have made it clear, while it does appear that physical distancing is beginning to help, we are not out of the woods just yet, and it is more important than ever to continue these measures to flatten the curve, to help more Canadians recover, and to reduce the impact on our health services.

For more feel-good news amid these tough times, check out this list of good things that happened around the world this week.

We’re in this together.

Keep up with COVID-19 news here.

Rumneek JohalRumneek Johal

Rumneek is a contributor at Daily Hive, who runs on iced coffee, sarcasm and self-deprecating humour. She thinks she's funny on twitter @rumneeek

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