YouTubers take issue with Canadians' favourite snacks

Oct 31 2018, 6:33 am

As Canadians, we know that our neighbours to the south don’t always understand some of our favourite snacks. Remember when Americans couldn’t comprehend All Dressed chips?

It seems like many non-Canadians get confused by some of our national delicacies. We had some YouTubers do a little taste test.

For some, like musician Landon Austin, ketchup chips are an absolute no-no.

Landon Austin tries ketchup chips

Landon Austin (Daily Hive/YouTube)

Lifestyle vlogger Hannah Witton feels very strongly about Coffee Crisp.

Hannah Witton tries Coffee Crisp

Hannah Witton (Daily Hive/YouTube)

And Andrew Rose Gregory, one quarter of the comedic Gregory Brothers, doesn’t understand why Smarties exist.

Andrew Rose Gregory tries Smarties

Andrew Rose Gregory (Daily Hive/YouTube)

Watch more reactions to your favourite Halloween treats here:

See also