If you watched Raw last Monday, you might have noticed some familiar faces in the front row during the event. You saw several fans dressed up as WWE legends, such as Jake the Snake (complete with fake snake!), Macho Man, Ultimate Warrior, IRS (YES!) and many others. If you kept watching the show, you would have noticed that halfway through the event those legends were replaced by a bunch of dudes wearing t-shirts.
It’s hard to imagine that fans going to a show, celebrating the history of the product, paying for high priced tickets, and enjoying themselves would be considered a bad thing, but here we are.
Now, I could understand if they were being a bunch of jerks who were drunk and unruly, or were constantly trying to do finishing moves on the security guards. Like, if buddy dressed as Jake the Snake starts DDT-ing people around him, sure, maybe he needs to reassess his life and change into some normal clothes. By all accounts, however, they were just acting like fans normally do, except with more spandex.
Now, full context, this isn’t the first time the group has been to an event before, as Reddit detectives have pointed out.
That being said, “playing up to the camera” isn’t exactly something I would consider as being detrimental to the product. I watched the show and aside from going “HEY! THAT GUY IS DRESSED AS JAKE THE SNAKE!” they didn’t really stand out to me. I would think people loving your product’s history would be appreciated more than worrying about people chanting old superstars names during the fifteenth match between Big Show and Erick Rowan.
Also, going from Ric Flair to an Uso t-shirt? That just seems cruel.