Is this Whitecaps FC commercial sexist? (VIDEO)

Dec 19 2017, 8:06 pm

The Vancouver Whitecaps FC has taken down a commercial from its social media accounts after it received some backlash from some fans that the video is sexist and misogynistic.

According to The Province, the video was pulled down shortly after it was posted after fans began commenting on the content, which featured a short slow-motion clip of three young female fans holding beers and repeatedly jumping while orchestral music is played as the soundtrack.

[youtube id=”zs8UNAjYP8s”]

Emily Guedes, the woman on the far left wearing a white tank top, told the Sun that she is not offended by the video but is baffled by those who found it sexist and misogynistic, noting that she is offended by the decision to remove it.

The video is part of a slow motion video series that uses footage of real ticket holders. Each of the eight videos in the series is designed to highlight a certain demographic found at a Whitecaps game, such as men, women, children and seniors. Altogether, it is a marketing campaign for “the best sporting atmosphere in Vancouver.”

Would this video be considered “sexist and misogynistic” if it featured three young men instead?

[youtube id=”u___wN9g1S0″]

[youtube id=”iMtwiv2FMZ4″]

[youtube id=”d8Lk4_9FbeI”]


Feature Image: YouTube screencap via Vancouver Whitecaps FC

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